Unrest (2006)

The third movie of the evening was easily the best. (Which perhaps says good things about the remaining six movies. …I just realized that I will have watched a dozen movies in ten days before this thing is over. Even after taking into account that I let a couple of months slip by before last weekend, that is downright unnatural.) Unrest is a medical school movie. Since med students in movies only have to take one class, it’s easy to guess that the site of the mysterious horrificness will be the gross anatomy lab. And sure enough, once the scalpels start flyin’, people start dyin’. (I made that up myself.) And only a petite blonde girl holds the key to putting the vengeful spirit to rest, which would be fine if she didn’t also have to balance an incredulous professor, a newly blossoming love interest, the groaningly unlikely placement of her living quarters in an abandoned hospital wing, and being a petite blonde girl in a horror movie.

Six bodies. At least four cadavers, some of which were actually cadavers. Six cadaver breasts. No actual breasts, which I blame on the camera-person being attracted to men. Bone saw fu. Formaldehyde fu. Pen to the neck. Feet roll. Arms roll. Drive-in academy award nominations to the dead vengeful spirit chick, for doing most of her acting without a ribcage and for not twitching a muscle even when it is explained over her naked cadaver that she’s had children because her nipples have darkened from breast feeding, and to the petite blonde heroine chick and her boyfriend for spending their second date diving for corpses in a formaldehyde dunk-tank. Three stars.

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