Inside Man

As part of an excellent evening out in Fort Worth this weekend, I saw Inside Man. (Because my mom has this weird thing where if a movie has alien slugs that mutate people and/or turn them into zombies (or has a name like Slither), for some reason she pre-judges it and assumes she won’t like it. This is an ongoing mystery to me, but I must live with it.) So, bank heist, Denzel, I can dig it.

And it seems like, after enjoying it from start to finish, I’d have quite a lot of good to say. Good acting, good piece-by-piece reveal of the puzzle that was the point of the thing… okay, I’m out of good things, and that’s just it. It was like a cream puff, or light popcorn to pick a rather more trite metaphor. You enjoy it while you’re eating it, but after all, it’s mostly air and hard to describe why it was as good as that once you’re not right in the midst of it. I think it’s the plot was neither unique nor tense enough to carry it up out of the realms of summer movie, and that the collective star charisma power wasn’t either. That summer thing is the single biggest flaw, though. I’m pretty sure if it had come out four months later, I’d have been able to completely overlook the flaw of being overdone. That’s what July is for.

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